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Today marks the first anniversary of Cloud of Lace. I can’t believe it’s been one year since the birth of my very first blog post

It started on Dec. 28th, 2011 as a personal project for self-fulfilment. Cloud of Lace was one of my 2012 resolutions. One that was intimately created while I was on my 2012 New Year’s vacation in Cairo. However, over the past year, this personal project has transformed my life in much more ways than I would have ever anticipated. I have met new friends, learnt new skills, made business connections, attended special events and hung out with the most fun people ever, and did a lot of planning for what comes next…

2013 will mark a major turn point, not just for my Cloud of Lace, but for me as well… & I can’t wait to share with you all the details as they happen!

Cloud of Lace will keep on featuring the best of local Lebanese Designers, locales, arts, reviews, markets, shops, innovations and culture… Among many other new surprises!

I would like to thank everybody who helped make it happen, and many special thanks and expressions of gratitude to all of you, my readers. Thank you and I’m so proud of each and every like, post, follow and award you printed over Cloud of Lace.

Here’s how I have celebrated my Cloud of Lace’s First Anniversary:

Got me this fabulous toy :)

Got me this fabulous toy 🙂

I love you all!

